Friday, July 26th, 2024

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading and researching into future technologies and how they will enhance our lives. I realised that the BBC in their usual innovative way (yes, iPlayer is a fantastic product and well worth paying the license fee for) have come up with something that is already doing this. Helping […]

BBC News Online, headline “Returning Britons say Tripoli airport ‘is like a zoo’” Maybe, but they arrived back in Gatwick Airport – that’s just like arriving back at hell !

Visited Lakeside for shopping today, a good day of laughs whilst wandering around: First up – a mock-up bathroom. The loo had a plastic over it. Quote of the day “well the cover is only over there as something has happened in the past!”: Next, proof that Essex schools really are poor. Notice the spelling […]

There’s a particular type of Cambridge-oid that I particularly despise. It’s the late 40’s husband and wife brought up in middle class England and who clearly have never suffered any hardship and so focus their entire lives on trivialities. They are so easy to spot: * Cars – he absolutely will drive an Audi. Depending […]

There used to be a show on Channel 4 years ago featuring a guy with a really large mobile phone shouting on it: I was one a train a few weeks back and there was a girl in front playing a game on her iPad which reminded me of using a gadget in a form […]

Following on from the concept of ‘turbo shandy’, I made a novel drink this morning by accident as I was in the kitchen at work and was distracted due to having a conversation. 1. Tip Starbucks Via powder (that you realise isn’t that great, but wanting to use up) into empty coffee cup. 2. Instead […]

In the Co-Op yesterday, paid for my goods (served by the clerasil brigade as usual that required an extra person to ID me), then spotted this: I’ve never bought the Eastern Daily Press before, but felt compelled to buy a copy of it. How living in East Anglia could I not have known about the […]

Okay, so I blogged earlier about breakfast and big cities. Looking back on what I did, I really can’t believe my life has descended to going for breakfast at John Lewis in Cambridge. It goes against everything I stand for and usually mock. Still, it wasn’t that bad: Note the breakfast not having any random […]

I came across this story on BBC News this morning. The jist of the story is that a man in Iran is having his hand cut off for stealing. The title “Iranian chocolate thief faces hand amputation’ suggests some poor guy is having the chop for stealing a bar of chocolate. However, if we examine […]

Dinner in London last night. Chinese near Kings Cross. I was taken there the other week by a colleague’s husband. Decided to go back last night for another try. I forget the name of the place. Anyways, I needed to visit the toilet. It was downstairs – the type where the toilet is located downstairs […]