Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Not on a major scale, just a few burgers from the freezer…

A good day mandates a good breakfast. Toasted bacon sandwich (smoked back bacon fresh from the butcher), orange juice, and black coffee…

(I never suffer from envy) It’s 8AM, I’ve sitting at my desk and have already gotten through a whole bunch of stuff. It’s vaguely sunny outside. I’ve a pile of things to get through, but they are all achievable. Things are good ! No, today they are very good !

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading and researching into future technologies and how they will enhance our lives. I realised that the BBC in their usual innovative way (yes, iPlayer is a fantastic product and well worth paying the license fee for) have come up with something that is already doing this. Helping […]

BBC News Online, headline “Returning Britons say Tripoli airport ‘is like a zoo’” Maybe, but they arrived back in Gatwick Airport – that’s just like arriving back at hell !

Spotted this on the train recently. You see your average Cambridge vandal has excellent detail. In this case, here’s the sign in the train loo: The sign states that the seat lid has to be lowered. Therefore: It’s lowered to the lowest possible position – the floor !

I went to bed last night feeling down. This morning I felt terrible. I usually walk to the main road to meet the cab in the morning. I couldn’t even be bothered to do that this morning. There are too many things up in the air right now and also things that I need to resolve, […]

That’s my new parody on the hit Channel 4 TV show ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’. Walking through market square right now, I felt so frustrated at how crap the market in the centre looks: I mean I know people here have such crap taste when it comes to aesthetics, but come on. Why is […]

Visited Lakeside for shopping today, a good day of laughs whilst wandering around: First up – a mock-up bathroom. The loo had a plastic over it. Quote of the day “well the cover is only over there as something has happened in the past!”: Next, proof that Essex schools really are poor. Notice the spelling […]

Opened up my mail this morning and saw this: I wondered what it said, so found a better image; Unbelievable. I did think that it would be kind of cool to shout abuse at it !