Friday, February 7th, 2025

.. consumed over the weekend. Met up for breakfast at Automat in Mayfair. 10:30AM perusing the menu and I noted ‘Brisket sandwich with fries’ – of course anything else on the menu after that point didn’t seem at all appealing. Yes, 10:30AM and having a full lunch. I liked Automat, American style diner. Upon first […]

… that’s the insult I received from 3 yocals yesterday upon driving out of Cambridge Station car park. Actually I was rather happy at that, certainly beats “Scottish {b******, f*****, w*****}” which is the usual way I am referred to by the local community. Simple task of reversing out of a parking space complicated by […]

Just like the sun will rise in the morning (not that we’ll necessarily see it!) some things are highly predictable… A ticket machine at Cambridge Station won’t be workingYes, this one really is as predictable as the sun rising ! This is getting repetitive, but the obligatory picture is below. Note the variation this time […]

Hectic week. Nothing interesting to report. Spent 3 days working at home to avoid distractions, solid in Powerpoint working on presentation for Asia beginning September. I’m doing a keynote speech in Taiwan and Shanghai so felt I had to make a real effort on this one- especially since I know some of the other presenters […]

Finally finished after a day in PowerPoint. I feel as though the past few weeks have been Outlook and PowerPoint with nothing else. I bought a copy of Illustrator last weekend for the purpose of trying to do better diagrams, but haven’t got around to it yet.

Some things you just shouldn’t do when you’ve had a few drinks. I know there are apps out there that prevent you from texting people, calling ex’s etc. Sadly there isn’t one that prevents you from make public representations to the Cambridgeshire consultation on “Gypsy and Traveller DPD” when there are plans to site a […]

Saturday trip into London. For various reasons, it was a late afternoon trip (against my better judgement). Ticket Machine – Broken Again Got to Cambridge Station to buy a ticket, no surprise: No change since Thursday night (Engineer obviously on holiday or strike). I do particularly like the ecologically friendly approach National Express take by […]

Several years ago on a trip to Japan I spotted what I would call ‘Postman Pat’ cars- those that looked identical to the van used by Postman Pat. Fairly simple to describe – imagine the drawing you would make of a van – rectangular box with wheels at the bottom ! Anyways, a few months […]

Short trip this week. Fairly late flight over. Air Berlin is actually really good service. One of the Air Hostesses had a fairly typical attractive German look about her (difficult to describe, not Gaulosies Blonde), I had a chuckle when at one point she was getting something out her handbag from the locker above and […]

Arrived back at Stansted Airport tonight with 40mins to kill. I was hungry so went to Burger King for ‘dinner’. Queuing I of course got stuck behind a set of people wanting to buy something difficult. Burger King… they sell Burgers not Ice Cream !. As I was frustrated a girl serving on another counter […]