Thursday, January 16th, 2025

I’m writing this seething stuck in my seat back from LA. Holding for a landing spot for 15mins. Heathrow is a total disaster when or comes to landing. What makes me laugh the most though is all the ecological talk of towing the aircraft out of the stand etc. Then you waste lots of fuel […]

As I sit here on Sunday morning at 10AM, it feels like the first time for a few weeks that things have been under control. The house move went fairly well, save for a few companies making things difficult (I am still without broadband, but thanks to “3” have an interim solution). Rest assured plenty […]

I always find the contrast in shops around the country interesting. For various reasons I ended up having lunch in John Lewis in Cambridge Monday. What I found in interesting is the contrast in menu compared to the Oxford Street London store and Cambridge (Cambridge being downmarket of course). Oh and of course the London […]

Finally finished as much as I can do in terms of tearing down stuff in the house. Worst task of all was removing the washing machine (I didn’t want to leave it as I spent a fortune on it a few years ago and they really don’t make them like they used to). Actually removing […]

RedLaser – Price Comparison via BarcodesFor sometime I’ve thought the killer iPhone app would be one where you could be in a shop and use the camera as a barcode scanner to check prices on products. The technology for camera based barcode reading has been around sometime (apps on desktops like Delicious Library already use […]

Back home in the UK. Arrive Thursay afternoon, off to post office to post some letter and sort out post re-direction. I can’t believe it’s less than 1 week before the move. The guy at the local post office was really helpful, the lady at the local coffee shop was really helpful, the people at […]