Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Spotted this on the walk between buildings at work earlier today. Made me smile as we had something similar last year (I didn’t have my ‘phone with me at the time so couldn’t take a picture of a mother plus 2 ducklings walking across the road).

Returning back from the stag day last weekend I was a little bit tipsy, therefore looking for something humorous to say. Flicking through my iPhone a few moments ago I found this image and it made me chuckle what I thought at the time:

London (as usual) Delivers Dinner at Eat Thai in London last night. Absolutely superb as usual. Perfect experience: Prompt service.Being an impatient person I love the fact that they capitalise on the fact that they have a number of people serving and they don’t give you the usual Western bullshit about it being one specific […]

Woke up at 5:30AM this morning. It’s funny how your body clock and mind works isn’t it ? I remember at school I used to always have problems getting up for school, and my parents would always hassle me. Come the weekend, I’d be up really early and getting my parents out of bed ! […]

Today I’m working in London (Holborn). A really nice office, making me realise that I’m happy to be out of Engineering and into a more business environment. Even the staff in London are friendly ! Train in was hectic as usual. 12 carriages and completely full. I should buy shared in FCC as they clearly […]

Last night finally decided to take the plunge and buy an iPad. I know I’ll regret being an early adaptor, but my addiction to technology is at least predictable !

Yesterday we had a day out in London for a friend who’s getting married in the next few weeks. London is such a great place for a day out. Plenty of pubs to choose from and pretty good service. Most stag weekends involve the ‘stag’ being humiliated, so I got in early, making him eat […]

So I get the council tax bill in the other day. Living in the UK means that you’re constantly hit with taxes. Whether it be 17.5% sales (VAT) tax, 40% income tax, National Insurance. However, these taxes I don’t really see as they are taken automatically. What I hate about Council Tax is that they […]

I must confess to never having tried ‘Spam’ as a food. However, that’s not the subject of this post. It’s Spam. This week I’ve been inundated with it. Blog spam, Skype spam, e-mail spam, Twitter spam. I really just can’t see the point. However, the amount of computer power and energy wasted by spam must […]

Spotted this whilst having a drink at a bar in town. Made me chuckle. I can just imagine a ‘Burlesque Night’ Cambridge style. No, not some ravishing blonde or brunette, likely either a cross-dresser or a 50-year old with grey hair who’s had a few too many Tesco ready meals !