Thursday, January 16th, 2025

I think this sums up UK infrastructure. Here’s the exit (and entrance) for a tube line at Paddington Station (rail station where the express train to Heathrow airport goes from): A complete and utter bottleneck..

I had a quick trip to Newcastle and upon getting on the train I picked up a copy of The Metro. I always like to browse through newspapers (and in particular adverts) when I visit somewhere as it gives you a sense of the place. I stumbled across this: WTF ? Kind of a strange […]

I recently visited Durham. During a conversation, I came up with a perfect phrase to summarise it: “It’s a bit like Cambridge, poorer weather, but genetically more diverse, and without all the wankers..” I really liked Durham. It has that University feel to it, lots of good looking and bright people. Staff in shops are […]