Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Things you just shouldn’t do….


Some things you just shouldn’t do when you’ve had a few drinks. I know there are apps out there that prevent you from texting people, calling ex’s etc. Sadly there isn’t one that prevents you from make public representations to the Cambridgeshire consultation on “Gypsy and Traveller DPD” when there are plans to site a traveller site in your village when you’re going through frustration trying to move to a new house but unable to buy it due to planning policy.

I reviewed my comments and they weren’t that bad thankfully and well reasoned without any stereotypes. Arguing that the demographics of the community they were trying to serve didn’t align with their reasoning for the village being a good choice I think was sensible. Though I’m sure the comment on providing housing of key workers and traveling people being done in favour of others at the opposite end of the social spectrum will be viewed by the Guardian readers as some ‘Tory idiot’ writing after a couple of glasses of Claret (actually it was Champagne and Pimms – now that is funny !).

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