Saturday, September 7th, 2024

What a week


Hectic week. Nothing interesting to report. Spent 3 days working at home to avoid distractions, solid in Powerpoint working on presentation for Asia beginning September. I’m doing a keynote speech in Taiwan and Shanghai so felt I had to make a real effort on this one- especially since I know some of the other presenters and they are really good. I was hoping to take a half day today and head into London, but didn’t make it (instead working on a single diagram for about 3hrs !).

Tomorrow I’m meeting up with 2 sets of Scottish people. First meet for breakfast with medic friend from home going through a bad patch. I asked what would cheer her up – “pancakes and syrup” so found an American diner in Mayfair. Later dinner with University friend who is down doing pilot training- that’ll be a nice curry in Cambridge (we are grown up now so no heavy drinking).
Sunday expect to be working…

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