Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Swine Flu


Arrived back at Stansted Airport tonight with 40mins to kill. I was hungry so went to Burger King for ‘dinner’. Queuing I of course got stuck behind a set of people wanting to buy something difficult. Burger King… they sell Burgers not Ice Cream !. As I was frustrated a girl serving on another counter called me over. Of course there was ‘Mr Essex’ already in the queue so he kicked up a fuss. What irritated me was that he was being a total asshole to her (easy option I guess) – good thing was she ignored him ! Eventually she served me and apologised – I replied “don’t worry we are in Essex after all”- she laughed.

This reminds me of a situation in Tel Aviv airport when I was queuing at a newsagent. A guy shot in front of me and there was a long conversation in Hebrew – something about missing his flight I guess. When I was served, the girl serving apologised, I respond “don’t worry”, then she replied “no it’s just my people!”- did make me laugh ! Laughter is needed on a redeye Tel Aviv to London flight I can tell you.

As I passed through the airport I spotted a headline in the newspaper “Cherie Blair has Swine Flu”- I won’t tell you anything about my thought process at that point save for saying that the word ‘swine’ was of particular interest ! Walking through the terminal I saw a number of people wearing masks- I guess to try and avoid flu (laughable of course). The Evening Standard tonight says as much as 65,000 people may die as the outbreak continues. I guess there is nothing else interesting to report in the news (Big Brother must be dull and MPs expense claims stories have finally taken been relegated to ‘page 7’).

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