Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Stuck in the lounge and lady on reception having issues with this guy who obviously doesn’t speak English. Of course she does the usual British thing- talk slowly and of course he’ll understand. It was so annoying I decided that Babelfish needed to come to the rescue !… Την πτήση σας καθυστερούν στις 20:50. Η […]

..en route to Dresden. There isn’t a direct flight from London to Dresden (I made a joke to people that the people of Dresden are still nervous about UK ‘planes flying over them). So, sadly need to travel via Dusseldorf and then stay overnight at the airport. Not bad – 4 flights/4 countries and a […]

Dinner at Peking last night, twice this week (although once takeaway so doesn’t really count). As I walked in to the restaurant, I spotted a couple of young Cambridgeoids (my new name for Cambridge people I find irritating)- full dictionary definition to follow in a later post. In this case, it was the young couple, […]

Arrived last week. I got back from Prague at 10PM, had to go to the office for some calls. Finally left the office at 2AM with iPhone that had been delivered to the office whilst I was away. I had to get up at 6AM the next morning, so what did I do ? yes, […]

Last week was totally horrible in terms of workload and travel (about 4hrs sleep each night), hence the lack of postings. A hectic week with a meeting in Prague (ended up out of the country for just over 24hrs). My only tourist attraction in Prague was the Subway across from my hotel (as I needed […]

England has this really dumb rule about Sunday opening hours- it’s only been in the past decade or so that shops (major chains) are allowed to open on Sundays- but only for 6 hours maximum. Scotland of course has a more pragmatic approach to opening and is far more flexible. To get around the issue […]

I’ve previously described Cambridge as a culinary desert in the past and last weekend confirmed just how bad places really can be… Carluccio’sLast Friday decided to have some pre-dinner snacks since eating later in the day. Against better judgement passed Carluccio’s, it didn’t look at all busy, so decided to grab a table. I’ve never […]

Housing BluesWe’re now ca. 6 months down the line and the silly covenant on the house I want to buy has yet to be lifted. Yes, only in the UK could you be in a situation where there is a restriction imposed on a property that says it can only be sold to someone of […]