Monday, May 6th, 2024

Spotted this in Cambridge tonight: Doesn’t surprise me that Cambridge City is covered by Liberal Democrat. Sadly, if this was at street level, I’d have made a minor amendment: Or maybe ?:

Saw this and it made me laugh… Of course ketchup and mustard isn’t really a Cambridge thing, but maybe I should take my own along ?

Sometimes you have a perceived image of what someone should look like. For example, ask most people what ‘Jesus’ looks like and they’d paint a picture of a tall bearded man weather cloth. In my case, ask me what a ‘Green Party Candidate’ should look like and I couldn’t have painted it better myself…

Some people over from our various offices this week as well as friend also staying with me. I’ve had 2 curry’s this week (both terrible, but hey it’s Cambridge) and the BBQ season is in full swing having cleaned it last Friday and then using it fairly heavily. I think I need to go and […]

So I get the council tax bill in the other day. Living in the UK means that you’re constantly hit with taxes. Whether it be 17.5% sales (VAT) tax, 40% income tax, National Insurance. However, these taxes I don’t really see as they are taken automatically. What I hate about Council Tax is that they […]

Spotted this whilst having a drink at a bar in town. Made me chuckle. I can just imagine a ‘Burlesque Night’ Cambridge style. No, not some ravishing blonde or brunette, likely either a cross-dresser or a 50-year old with grey hair who’s had a few too many Tesco ready meals !

Walking past the alcohol area in Waitrose today, I was shocked when I discovered this: I normally associate ‘Special Brew’ with a drunk person in the street, so I had a good chuckle at this being positioned right besides fine wines. Still, it is Cambridge !

Wandering around Cambridge yesterday I spotted this: Clever advertising to catch the high numbers of language students visiting from Asia. It does feel a little strange wandering round a high street in the UK and seeing writing in a foreign language though !

I dropped into a bookstore in Cambridge yesterday. The layout is bad (like most shops in Cambridge) so I usually always take the lift. I had a smile at the sign beside the lift: Now I’m not sure if it’s my strange mind, but my instant thought in a slightly less politically incorrect society, the […]

Spotted this whilst passing M&S tonight: Am I the only person that thinks the posture is somewhat provocative and looks like someone wanting a fight ?