San Jose bound
Lots of upcoming travel. I’ve realised I’m not going to be in the UK much over the next few months. Still, should keep the stress level down, save for the times having to travel through UK airports.
The Virgin flight has changed to 2hrs later now (much better than 2hrs earlier once which was a killer). In some ways that’s a good thing since it avoids the guilt of not going into the office when you land, as well as not having to get up at the crack of dawn.
As I write I’m on a packed train. Once again there’s some annoying kid (speaking English for a change). I think there should be a quiet carriage on FCC trains, but then if I had my way the whole 8 or 12 carriages would be profiled so I could avoid every possible annoying type of person that exists in this part of the world. I won’t care to mention the profiles since I’d run the risk of alienating pretty much every part of society and no doubt I could probably be arrested. Still, would make for a much more comfortable life though.
The train is also baking. I look forward to the day where science can store heat for long periods of time. That way when FCC have the heating on in a boiling day, the heat could be stored and then released on a freezing cold day when the heating is usually turned off or not working !