The first Sunday…
I woke up this morning early, a little dizzy head due to drinks and dinner in town last night. Dinner was nice, but I don’t think I enjoyed it as much as I should have given the mixture of drinks consumed over the night. Hoegaarden, Stella, Red Wine, Frozen Black Irish Cocktails don’t really do well as a mix. I guess a quirk of drinking with a mixture of people and tastes. All in all a good night and my head cleansed yet again.
I’m sitting listening to Jazz on the radio, drinking coffee I’ve just made, wearing relaxing clothes. Just sitting with masses of bills, bank statements, stock paperwork etc. trying to get life back in order over the hectic times recently. Today is the first Sunday I’ve not had a deadline tomorrow morning, actually a clean slate. I feel pretty relaxed.
About 5 minutes ago it hit ! – this is how ‘normal’ people behave !!! I need to get into a good Sunday relaxing routine…