Saturday, July 27th, 2024



Technically this isn’t breakfast, since I already had muesli when I woke up this morning. However, it is before 12 and is similar to what I’d have eaten for breakfast if I had been more alert:

  • Sunday Times – I always buy this on a Sunday. I actually only read the magazines and finance sections.
  • Orange juice – not quite as refreshing as Starbucks, but a reasonably healthy choice.
  • Cappuccino – self made courtesy of Gaggia. In a San Jose Starbucks mug. When I purchased the mug I got into a conversation with the lady serving me, remarking that it was actually the first ever tourist-style souvenir I’d ever brought back from a US trip (books and technology not withstanding of course !).
  • Kinder delice – the first time I have tasted the food from my recent Italian shipment. Totally amazing. I am exerting self control not to have another.

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