Thursday, January 16th, 2025

1.5 World Country (again)


I had a good chuckle when I saw a link to this on a journey planner:

I love the nonsense excuse they make in 1970’s BR speak “Network Rail, who provides the timetable information has introduced a new computer system”. Now we all know that system probably was in development since 1985 and therefore it shouldn’t really have been a surprise to people that it came along. You’d think that the requirements specification might have captured “should be able to correctly interface with other computer systems” ! Still, doesn’t really come as a surprise.

My comment on 1970’s BR speak got me thinking about a moment from Alan Clarke’s Diaries:

“I am sitting in a first class compartment of the Sandling train, odorous and untidy, which, for reasons as yet undisclosed, and probably never to be disclosed has not yet left Charing Cross. ‘Operating Difficulties’, I assume, which is BR-speak for some ASLEF slob, having drunk fourteen pints of beer the previous evening, now gone ‘sick’ and failed to turn up”

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