Saturday, July 27th, 2024



This holiday weekend I’ve been in London 3 times:

Friday night. Some drinks and dinner. I must confess to having a little too much to drink. Well okay, quite a bit too much to drink. Thankfully had a guest staying over so had someone with me to make sure I arrived back home safely. I must confess I really feel uneasy the day after such experiences. I hate the thought of not being in control. Logic says I should never get into such a state again. However, from experience that is unlikely and it will happen. What I do know is that nights that start with red wine (very very easy to drink) usually are the worst. Maybe I’ll stick to the Scotch/Soda combination.

Saturday. A general wander around the city with my friend visiting from Glasgow. The weather wasn’t great, so we didn’t manage to have a trip by the water. However, still had a pretty good time. Bought a Buffalo hard drive with iPhone dock that I had been thinking about buying for some time. I do hate the bags they give you in the Apple store. They remind me of the bags that Benetton used to give you in the 80’s. However, I’m no longer a teenager and comfort is the priority.

Monday. In again to run all the errands I didn’t get round to doing on Saturday. Frustrated yet again with the 3G coverage in the South East of England. So many drop-outs. Dinner at Bar Shu near Tottenham Court Road tube. I like this restaurant. Funny moment in a “Hong Kong Comedy way”. A group of Chinese students at a table (one of whom was very good looking). They were consequently receiving loads of attention. At one point, she complained that her Lychee drink was taking a long time. The waiter replied “The Lychees aren’t quite ripe yet”. I had a good chuckle about this as it reminded me of the sort of scene you get in a HK comedy movie.

Home tonight to get a few things sorted out. I have tomorrow off as well. However, I’m starting to get deadline stressed about work so will end up working most of it I feel.

Overall a good bank holiday weekend !

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