Friday, January 24th, 2025

Two (maybe even three) mess-ups cleared…


I have a folder that I keep on my desk at home labelled ‘F*** Ups’. In it are things that I have to keep on my radar  that need sorting as someone (or some organisation) has messed up. Living in the UK you have to deal with these sort of things on a daily basis.

This week I’ve managed to cut the list down by 2 ! Specifically:

  • BT – yes thanks to BT I received a cheque for £450 in the post earlier this week. Thankfully refund on line installations and rental of other services. Nobody can tell me how they actually arrived at the figure £450. However, I’m not complaining as it’s higher than I anticipated.
  • House alarm – I’ve been waiting for around 3 months for a remote sensor for the house alarm to be completed. This allows control of the garage door from the same key fob that controls the house alarm. It finally arrived today ! Even better, I was forced to figure out how to program the alarm by connecting a telephone up and navigate the menus. I love technology !

Received a call and the car should be ready to pick up tomorrow. Maybe that’s another mess-up that can be cleared !

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