Hectic weeks…
Sitting here at a Starbucks in Cambridge finally relaxing. It feels like a few months of meetings, late nights, weekends away, and lots to do (the other night I felt pretty down as there just didn’t seem to be any stop in it). Finally having some relaxation time this weekend…
* Snow Leopard – just picked this up from the Apple Store. I guess it shows just how busy I’ve been that I haven’t had time to think about it until this morning when I realised it was released today. Actually I was quite surprised- no event on in the Apple store – felt like a normal transaction.
* Home cooked food tonight – last I’ll get for about 12 days.
* Friday night drinks in Cambridge. I’m actually fed up with drinking due to recent trips and events.
* Sunday off to Asia. Really looking forward to it. Arrive Hong Kong Monday, then Hsinchu/Taipei/Shanghai and back to Hong Kong late Friday night. Spend the weekend in Hong Kong and then back to the UK.
So as usual, a relaxing weekend ends up… not being a relaxing weekend. I feel as if I could just hibernate somewhere for a week (need to recharge batteries). Sadly I can’t see any break until mid-October when (fingers cross) the house move finally takes place.
Visited new house this week to check over. No major issues, apart from the door to the utility room being put on the wrong way (how anybody would ever think to put it in the configuration beggars belief). I just want the bloody thing over. Then of course there’s the 12 week wait for furniture. Maybe done by Xmas !