Delicious Library available for the iPhone ! For anyone who hasn’t ever seen this application (Mac only) it’s a fantastic application written for Mac OS to allow you to catalogue all your media (Books, DVDs, etc.). The coolest thing is the input mechanism- it uses the iSight camera on the Mac to read the barcode and then goes off to Amazon to get the details. That way you get a nice image of your book/DVD/CD on a bookshelf (as well as not having to enter all the details).
I’ve been waiting for the iPhone version for a while now and heard the other day it really was coming online, just grabbed it from the App Store. Now this version doesn’t scan barcodes on the iPhone – but I expect that to come in a future version !
Just think- friend shows you a book and you can instantly scan the barcode and order from Amazon ! – very clever..
That’s 2 good Apps that I’ve been waiting to come to the iPhone finally arrived – the other being WorldMate – an app that is great for those who travel (you can lookup and store flight itineraries etc.). It’s surprised me just how long these folks have taken to make it available on the iPhone.
What’s also interesting is to see the price iPhone apps are compared to the Windows Mobile/Symbian version – way way cheaper (about 5x in some cases). Still, I guess they have a much wider potential sales base. I like that, clever independent developers being paid for their efforts…