Friday, February 7th, 2025

Cambridge Market


Unlike most places I’ve been to, where a market is something that is mobile and comes for the day, Cambridge has a market that is permanent (no, not a shop, a permanent market stall). Now you’d think that would result in things looking fairly nice in line with the overall (supposed) character of Cambridge City Centre – wrong ! – total eyesore.

I’m sitting here in the Starbucks on Market Square and what a real eyesore the market is. Lots of white vans and of course rusty bits of metal holding up dirty white sheets creating an image of a market stall. The beauty of the town hall in the background (looks like something from the Communist Era) just adds to the morning ambience. I can honestly say that I’ve never actually seen market square in a clean uniform environment.

Why can’t it take the format of anywhere else in the world ? There are plenty of places just outside the city that would be an ideal venue for proper local farmers markets.e Then we could make the city centre look nice, perhaps hold sponsored events at weekends (like open cinema’s, festivals) instead of the stench of rotting fruit.

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