First stop on the tour the other day was a temple. Indonesian temples are quite boring to look at compared to Buddhist ones, very basic in nature and grey in construction (i.e. no colour) which gets black over time. I learned that they have cock fighting at temple events, I explained to the guide that […]
Holidays are not complete without some form of sporting activity. For most that would a game of beach volleyball, maybe a couple of rounds of golf, rounders, or otherwise. In my case, it’s tennis. Not your usual form of tennis, but fly killing tennis. I discovered this bat when I arrived ! It’s amazing. You […]
Pretty heavy rain in Bali…
Why is it I’m on holiday and as usual having to deal with a barrage of bullshit and logistics ? It’s as if my whole life is some sort of bloody project management cycle, just that the project never ends ! Yes, I am good at it, but doing it bores and depresses the hell […]
Dinner tonight was amazing… Started with small beef envelopes – like mini Beef Wellington without the mushrooms: Then T-Bone steak. It has to be the best steak I’ve ever eaten in my life. So well seasoned and pre-sliced to add to the flavour:
Being in a foreign country involves the obligatory day tour. Over the years I’ve come up with a reasonable formula for day tours: 1. Book a personal 1:1 tour. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, you don’t have to deal with the annoying people who tend to be late or get lost […]
I like this piece of software, an App I bought from the Mac Apps Store. Apple, of course, have got the whole security and payment thing figured out and enable me to buy things regardless of where I am in the world ! Anyways, the software is lightweight and allows you to make changes to […]
Something I’ve been passionate about for some time is the need to have better identity and security management on our digital devices. This comes from 2 key angles from my perspective as a user – convenience and security. The mess the industry is in today was highlighted overnight when I was trying to make a […]
Spotted this on Facebook earlier between 2 colleagues (one British, the other Asian): 1. British guy posts picture of his child. 2. Asian guy posts “Wow nobody will doubt she is your daughter!! Very cute” 3. British guy responds “Actually my son!” 4. Asian guy responds “Hahaha sorry.. He is still cute…”
Dinner last night at a traditional Balinese restaurant. I like the format here where if you are going to a restaurant they will pick you up and drop you off at the hotel. The venue- a set of small villa type areas that (thankfully) are covered over: The main course: Close-up of the pork ribs […]